Layer up: how a multi-tiered defence strategy enhances your cybersecurity

Layer up: how a multi-tiered defence strategy enhances your cybersecurity

Remember the days when you popped in a disk or downloaded some anti-virus software and then you could continue with your day, safe in the knowledge that you’d done your bit for IT security?

Sadly, that level of data protection no longer cuts it. Evolving cybersecurity threats are ever more complex and sophisticated. Consequently, you need to level up your defences too.

In our recent webinar with Huntress, our cybersecurity experts provided key insights into how SMBs can safeguard themselves against cyber threats through a layered defence strategy with advanced detection and response mechanisms.

Here, we’ll explain exactly what that layered approach looks like, as well as providing practical security solutions for SMBs.

What is layered security and why is it important?

In years gone by, anti-virus software did an adequate job of protecting your business from attack. But today, cybercriminals employ more sophisticated techniques. Last year, global cyberattacks jumped by 44% because of their new tactics (according to IT Pro and the National Cyber Security Centre). More and more small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are the focus of these increasingly frequent and complex cyberthreats.

Traditional security measures like anti-virus software and firewalls are often bypassed by the cybercriminals’ malicious activities. That’s why a multi-layered cybersecurity approach makes sense. It goes beyond just a ‘belt and braces’ level of safety!

Think of protective measures like firewalls and anti-virus solutions as the first line of defence. They’ll repel some attacks but may lack sufficient detection and response capabilities to protect from all cyberthreats. It’s a bit like the Gladiators game, Gauntlet. Some attacking contenders won’t get past the first gladiator, whereas others won’t get eliminated until the third or fourth defensive layer of gladiators. Only a minority will make it past all of those gladiators defending their territory.

The 5 security layers

A multi-layered defence strategy has five key aspects of security measures:

Identify: What do you have in your IT estate? What’s important/ crucial? What are the risks?

Protect: Limit the impact of cybersecurity events. These are usually firewall and/ or anti-virus solutions providing a first line of defence.

Detect: Continuously monitor systems to pick up on behaviours and events that may be threats.

Respond: Take relevant actions against the threat that’s made it past earlier layers of defence.

Recover: Have the tools to recover your business, and restore service, after an attack.

All too often, SMBs rely only on the protection layer and lack the more sophisticated levels of detection, response and recovery.

Key cybersecurity solutions: EDR and ITDR

Firstly, what do these acronyms mean? Secondly, what do they do?

• Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): This enhances security by identifying and mitigating threats that anti-virus software may miss. EDR provides real-time monitoring, detects unusual behaviour, and isolates compromised devices to prevent wider breaches.

• Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR): With the rise of cloud-based applications and remote work, securing user identities is now crucial. ITDR solutions monitor Microsoft 365 accounts, detect compromised user credentials, and mitigate threats such as session hijacking and credential theft (more of which below).

What are the emerging threats to look out for in 2025?

This isn’t an exclusive list, but it does cover the most prevalent, current threats to your business.

• Business Email Compromise (BEC): Attackers gain access to business email accounts and manipulate financial transactions. They may set up malicious mailbox rules so that they can intercept and alter invoices to be paid into another account, for example.

• Session hijacking (man-in-the-middle attacks): Hackers trick users into clicking fraudulent links, capturing login credentials, and bypassing multi-factor authentication.

• Credential theft and phishing attacks: Cybercriminals leverage stolen credentials from data breaches to infiltrate systems. Passwords that are weak or used repeatedly on different sites are often the vulnerability exploited here.

• Exploitation of cloud vulnerabilities: Externally facing applications (software that is accessible from outside your company’s internal network), such as eCommerce sites, customer portals, email servers and VPN gateways, are increasingly becoming ‘Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures’ (CVEs) that are being targeted by attackers. Over 52,000 new attacks like this were reported last year.

What protective steps can SMBs take?

These strategies can help to mitigate the evolving and increasing threats to your business.

Review and strengthen security policies: Update your security procedures regularly to address evolving threats.

Implement continuous threat monitoring: Solutions like Huntress EDR and ITDR provide real-time detection and response around the clock.

Conduct regular security training: Make sure all employees are aware of phishing attacks, social engineering tactics and password protection.

Adopt a Zero Trust approach: Restrict access rights and put strict authentication protocols in place.

Schedule regular backups and make recovery plans: Protect data integrity and prepare for a speedy recovery in the event of an attack.

Level up your cybersecurity

As cyberthreats continue to evolve and grow, so must your business security solutions. Basic levels of defence can’t stand up to sophisticated cyberattacks. By building up layers of defence, you decrease the likelihood of a successful cyberattack.

We at Mirus have partnered with Huntress to provide multi-layered, advanced security solutions. The combination of the latest technology with experienced teams of security experts provides businesses with next level protection from cyberattacks.

To find out more about these cybersecurity solutions or to request a demo, please get in touch.